Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dance Dance Bubblution

Emily has figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets. Her favorite is the tupperware cabinet.

I was upstairs putting laundry away, and I could hear the boys were up to something in the kitchen. I figured they were sock-skating on the wood floor, or wrestling, or something. This just cracks me up. I came downstairs and saw this:

The boys were stomping and dancing on bubble wrap! It still makes me laugh! I asked them where in the world the bubble wrap came from. They said Emily found it in one of the cupboards. I forgot I used bubble wrap to send a gift in the mail and shoved the leftover roll in a cupboard just to get it out of the way. Emily found it!


Heth said...

Owen's expression is hilarious.

His Girl said...

Bah ha ha ha ha ha! I wish I could have a camera permanently affixed to myself (maybe in my glasses?) so I could catch moments like this all the time!
Fantastic catch!

Truth said...

I love that kids are so easily entertained-and that moms are too! Your house sounds like a fun one, as it should be. I had to laugh about the bubble wrap. One of my daughters actually asked for a roll of it for Christmas one year just so she could enjoy popping it all by herself. (And I think she was 14.)

Still Learning said...

So much fun!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Bubble Dancing--It's all the rage. You've got to hike your pants up just so.