Friday, December 14, 2007

My Ornament

Tonite is Bunco night. It's the last time I'll be able to get together with the other gals from church to play Bunco before we move. I'm really excited, because we're doing a "Good Ornament-Bad Ornament" exchange. We each will bring a nice pretty ornament and a not-so-pretty one.

In past years it sounds like the ladies have taken old ornaments with paint scratched off, damaged ornaments, unusual ornaments that wouldn't be put on a tree, etc. I decided I would just make mine.

The ladies all know we are a Star Wars family and I'm a gamer and definitely not gifted as a a scrapbooker/crafting type person, so I was going to take a Jawa or Ewok kid's meal toy from Burger King and hot-glue a little red pompom on it for a Rudolph-like nose and glue a red loop on to hang it up. But I just couldn't bring myself to damage anything Star Wars, even if it is just a kids' meal toy.
Soooooo...I got out the aluminum foil.



Still Learning said...

It's actually pretty! and Crafty!

"But I just couldn't bring myself to damage anything Star Wars, even if it is just a kids' meal toy." I Love it!!! But you would turn it into a crib mobile!!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Funny! That sounds like a fun exchange to participate in.

Life with our cats means that Star Wars things get damaged. Doogie claimed a Yoda as his own, and now Yoda is covered in teeth marks. He's our Sith kitty, even all stormtrooper-y colored. Calvin, our camouflaged Rebel tabby, has been known to knock stormtroopers, Vader, and even Steven's vintage AT-ST into the garbage can. I laugh hysterically at all of it, but Steven does not find it particularly amusing.

His Girl said...

lovin' your creation! wonderfully awful!!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I love stopping here so much. You are fun. I tell my teenagers about you.

Truth said...

Hope you had a great time. Always hard to say goodbye at the last activity together.