Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Poor Little Buddy

Poor Ethan. Last night after the Christmas program during the cookie reception, Ethan was in the hall and well, lost his cookies all over the floor. I felt so bad, neither Eric or I were anywhere to be found. Eric was in the gym supervising Owen while Owen tried to retrieve a pacifier that Emily had thrown under the bleachers. I was in the lunch room chatting with another mom, we were waiting for the room to clear out because we were on clean-up duty. I'm hoping this is just a 24-hour bug and he'll be feeling better very soon. We are supposed to have a long car ride ahead of us tomorrow to close on the new house. Poor little buddy.


Still Learning said...

Safe travels tomorrow and we'll say a prayer for poor Ethan...and that Owen and Emily don't get anything!!!

Heth said...

Aw MAN! Poor Ethie!

Truth said...

Ah, hope he feels better. Nothing worse than getting sick away from home-and no parents around. Hugs!

PJ said...

Sure hope Ethan was better by CHristmas. A belated Merry CHristmas and Happy New year!!