Friday, March 28, 2008

The View Out My Window

Anytime I look out the windows facing the back of our house, or coming down the street from taking the kids to school, I see the good old American flag waving above the houses. I can't help but think of my grandpa who was in WWII and my dad who was in Vietnam/Korea/Thailand, and the husband of my friend Tracey, who is on his way to war in Iraq. Whenever I try to talk to Tracey about it, I end up sounding like a blubbering fool. I just can't find the right words to express my thanks and gratitude and indebtedness for the sacrifice she and her husband are making for me and my family. Tracey, I'm praying for you, your kids, and your beloved sergeant. Many many prayers, not just from our family, but from millions of people all across the country, are going with him!


Heth said...

Yes, and Amen!

Thank you Tracey, your sacrifice means so much!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Beautifully put. I'm praying too...the sacrifice is great...

PJ said...

Amen!! My thanks to her too. My Dad is a WWII vet, my Grandpa a WWI vet. Various uncles were involved in Vietnam and Korea. God Bless the sacrifices our men in military make!

marine's words said...

Yes, Amen too! my husband was in Vitenam,and my dad in Korea .
we thank you all for the sacrifice!

His Girl said...

wonderful view. beautiful sentiment.

praying too!

Chris @ Come to the Table said...

My brother serves our country and has spent two years in Iraq. It is always in my thoughts and prayers.

Ann, I am not sure why the email address didn't work. I use it for my blog and I am still getting and receiving emails. Here it is:
Let me know if it still doesn't work.

Truth said...

So where is that flag located? Is it a school or something?

I agree on being thankful for our military service-especially the individuals.

Ann said...

Joanne, it's either the fire department or someone's house. I'll get a closer look and find out. I noticed that a lot of people have American flags up, and they are flying high. It's really neat.

Still Learning said...

Yes!! Thank you Tracey and family!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

You know, it takes so little to express gratitude, and so many of us fail to do that. My dad is a WWII vet. He's 86!

marine's words said...

Ann, you made my day!!! blessing, marina

Alene said...

What an incredible post! We are retired military and thanking your friend often will mean a lot. Blessings. God Bless the USA!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

A nice view and a lovely post.

Tracey said...

Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Andrea, you are not a blubbering fool (or whatever you said!)! I love that you care so much! You are a wonderful friend!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

We did have the same band teacher!! We're from the same town :) I was a year behind Heth! craziness!