Ethan asks amazing questions. His little wheels are always turning. The other day he asked me if Jesus slept when he was a baby. I said yes. His response was, "But God doesn't rest!"
Then yesterday he asked if a person has to be married to have a job. I explained that no, you don't have to be married to have a job. Teenagers have jobs and they aren't married. He asked if I had a job when I was a teenager. I said yes, that I worked at McDonald's. He was enthralled and all excited and asked all about it.
Today, Ethan asked me how babies got in the world. I asked if he meant how are babies born, and he said no. He wanted to know how the world got so many people on it. I explained that God created Adam and Eve, and they were married. They had kids. Then their kids got married and had kids, and so on and so on. He asked, "Does that mean brothers and sisters had to get married to each other?"
I was at a loss for words. I was amazed that he could put that together. But I chickened out and said, "Well I don't know! That's a great question. I do know that brothers and sisters are not supposed to get married though." His response was, "Well, maybe God just created more people so that brothers and sisters wouldn't have to marry each other." I just left it at that and said, "That could be. God can do anything." I just wasn't ready to explain it all to him, especially in the 7minute car-ride to school. But it amazed me how he thought all that out.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
My Little Thinker
Posted by
4:06 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I was just emailing Tracey that I am either too tired or just plain old losing it. I'm home from picking the kids up from school and thought I'd make some coffee. I poured the water in and waited and waited. Our coffee pot is slow, but this felt too slow. I checked and saw that there was no coffee. I had forgotten to turn it on. I hit the button and went back to feeding my wound-up kids a snack.
I could hear the pot gurgling, it was done, so I went over and was all upset because it wasn't making coffee, only hot water. I was thinking, "Great. Now we need a new coffee pot." Then I realized I didn't put any coffee in it. *BONK!*
By the way, how do you make coffee? I don't actually know how to make it, I just put spoonfuls in till it seems right, then turn on the pot. I put so much flavoring in it that I can't really taste the coffee anyway. The directions say, "1 serving (6 oz) = 1 tablespoon, 10 servings = 1/2 measuring cup."
This confuses me, because it didn't come with a measuring cup. Do they mean a half-cup? Like a normal half-cup measuring cup? I thought it meant to use a half of the measuring thingy they gave you in the can. My can did not have one, but I always remembered my mom's cans had them from when I was a kid. I need to know this, yesterday one of my new neighbors stopped by (oh my house was a disaster!) and I didn't dare offer to make coffee because I don't do it right. Our pot is a 12-cup pot. Does that mean I just fill it up to the 10 cup line and add a half a cup of coffee? Sounds pretty good to me, I can add as much vanilla or chocolate to cover up the coffee flavor. But I don't want to scare off my visitors. Tracey, did I ever make coffee for you? Yours always turned out right...
Posted by
4:05 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
English is so Frustrating
I just found out WEIRD doesn't follow the "i before e except after c" rule. All my life (or at least as long as I've been able to understand the "i before e" rule) I've spelled it WIERD. /huff
Posted by
8:21 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I'm Not Wierd or Anything...
Hey all! Linda tagged me for a fun meme. I would be most delighted to oblige!
The rules for this meme are: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Okay, here goes!
1. When I discover a song that I absolutely love, I listen to it over and over and over again until I know every word and every sound so that I can hear it in my mind without needing to use the cd. (I wish I did that with scripture!)
2. I'm terrified of spiders. I do a spider check every night before bed. I'm getting better. I'm to the point where I can crawl into bed without the lights on, but I still sweep the bed with my hands just in case a little critter is wanting to join me. I used to be much much worse, though. There was a time when I couldn't turn the light out, let alone go to sleep, without doing this routine. Check under my pillow, check under the bedspread, check under the flat sheet, lift the flat sheet way up to check in the bottom corners of the bed, check behind my pillow, check the wall behind me, check in the space behind my bed that is between the wall and the mattress, check all four corners of the room near the ceiling. Then I could finally turn my light off. Sometimes I would get that "feeling," you know, spider radar, that told me to quick turn the light back on one more time. I couldn't ignore this, too many times I'd had good reason.
I'll add to that, I used to hallucinate really badly just as I was falling asleep. I would either see hundreds of spiders falling down on me from the ceiling, or I'd see one very large spider crawling on me or the bed. When I would see these, it would appear as real as day, as if the lights were on and everything. I'd scream and jump out of bed, terrifying my husband. It's been a good couple years since that's happened (thank goodness!).
3. I just asked my husband what else is wierd about me. He says I have a huge space between my big toe and the next toe over on both feet. I do not.
4. I have a hard time making decisions. I want to please people. For example, I've typed and retyped 5 different things here for item number 4 but can't decide what the best thing to share would be.
5. You will never see me dance. I dance all the time with my kids in my kitchen, but if you see me at a wedding, no way. Also, I am totally out of my element and completely uncomfortable going to bars or dance places. But I did find myself in a mosh-pit at a Blindside concert once. Yes, I did that. It was scary.
6. I am completely addicted to chapstick/lipgloss. There is nothing worse than having dry lips/mouth. I would rather have ten thousand shots than go to the dentist and have them spray cold air in my mouth or put gauze/cotton in my mouth. Bleck.
Okay, that's enough wierdness for today :) I am calling out Tracey, Joanne, Anne Marie, Patty, PJ, and T to rise to the challenge!
Posted by
2:51 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I'm Going Insane
My boys are having a tough time being in their own bedrooms at night. They've always shared a room with bunkbeds, and my older son, the 8 year old, was ready to have his own room. He's been having an even harder time transitioning than my 5 year old. This is not what is driving me insane.
Today I bought the boys a set of walkie talkies. Nothing fancy, but I thought they'd have fun using them while they were in their own beds in their own rooms at night. My 8 year old understands it. Push the button in. Talk. Let go of the button. My 5 year old?
I don't know how to help him understand. I've demonstrated and demonstrated, I've explained every which way I can think of, and he just doesn't get it. He's mad, near tears, insistant that it's his older brother's fault.
So maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all...
Posted by
8:46 PM
Don't Want to Miss This!
Jupiter, Venus, and the moon will be having a little get-together. Sounds brilliant!
Posted by
10:29 AM
Audio Bible
I'm gonna clean the house today, Doo Dah! Doo Dah! I'm gonna vacuum while I play, Oh, Doo Dah Day!
Emily has a toy vacuum that sings that song everytime she plays with it. It's very catchy. And irritating. But I find myself wishing I felt like that when I clean.
I did discover something that really helps. I got an audio Bible for Christmas (thanks mom!) and it's got background music and everything. They've been out for quite awhile, but I tell you, it's so wonderful to listen to it while working in the kitchen or doing laundry. Eventually I want to put it on my Zune so I can take it with me everywhere.
I'm on disc 6, yesterday I listened to a bunch of the laws the Lord gave Moses to teach the people(disc 5, Exodus 17-33). Normally, I'd be asleep after about the third paragraph of trying to read it, but when pretty music and different voices are used, it's so easy to listen attentively. And if I catch myself not paying attention, I just go back and listen again. YAY!
Posted by
9:12 AM
Have You Heard of This?
We had some friends over last night for supper. He works with Eric and she is a stay home mom teacher just like me. They were our first guests in our new house. It was fun to have friends over, even though they still live 7 hours away (they are moving here for the company, too, and were on a house hunting trip).
I was absolutely enthralled with how she handled her three year old. She never got angry or disrespectful. She offered him a choice for every behavior. He was a very good boy, and I really admired how she didn't get sarcastic or use an angry tone with him. I finally just asked her about it, and she told me that while she was still teaching, before her son was born, she learned about Love and Logic. She used it in her classroom, so it was just natural for her to use it with her son.
Have you heard of it? It seems like a really good program. They sell kits and everything, but I'm thinking I might just try one of their books.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Maybe I Shouldn't Ask
This might be completely inappropriate to blog about, but I just have to know. If it's inappropriate just let me know in the comments. I just got a call, it said "Private Caller" so I figured it was not a telemarketer (caller id is brand new to me). It was this town's police association asking me to be a hero and support the men and women in our police force with a monetary donation.
I've heard that the money given to the police associations isn't really used for what they say (for example equipment or programs), that it is actually used for the police's entertainment. Is that true? I feel so guilty saying I can't help at this time. What's the truth?
Posted by
5:29 PM
Ugh. I'm starting to get cabin fever. We've lived here for nearly two weeks. Is today Tuesday or Wednesday?
We need to find a home church so that I can get involved in Bible study. I'm getting bored. We've tried two different churches and will try another this coming Sunday. My problem is that I'm looking for a church just like my brother's over here where we live. I don't think I'm going to find it.
I found a church that LOOKS like his but doesn't FEEL like it. I'll keep looking. Church-shopping isn't bad is it?
Posted by
11:00 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Another Update
Well, the house is pretty much done! I still need to hang up pictures and mirrors, and we are saving up for blinds (using paper temporary blinds for now). Today Ethan and Emily's beds came and I got them all made up and placed. It feels great to have it done.
Emily bit me today! I was making chili. She crawled over and grabbed onto my leg to pull herself into a standing position. Suddenly she bit me on the back of my thigh! It hurt and startled me. For the rest of the time I was cooking I was worried she'd bite again and so I kept trying to shake her off my leg. I noticed that when she gets excited she mouths whatever she's holding. I hope she doesn't become a biter.
I need to find my camera and start taking pictures of the kids again.
Posted by
7:43 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Just Hangin'
I did it! I hanged (or hung?) hooks up by the back door for our coats and backpacks, etc. I also put up a thing to hang the iron and ironing board up as well as the broom/mop/swiffer in the laundry room.
This is very empowering for me, because I had to use a drill and I had to use INSERTS. I had to put the drill bit on the drill even! And I only had to call my mom for help about 23 times. But I did it!
And now I know how to use a drill! Can't wait to get those curtains hung (hanged?)!
Posted by
5:08 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sleeping In
Okay. NOT Fair. I just called my dad. It's 9:13 a.m. here which means it's 8:13a.m there. He and Mom were still IN BED SLEEPING.
I felt a tremendous urge to rush over there and put clothes in their dresser drawers and blankets in their closets, making sure to open the drawers and closet doors loudly. Or to fling the light on and say, "It's time to get up!" like my mom did. Or, maybe open the bedroom door and trumpet that army wake-up song through my fist like my dad always did to wake me and my brother up.
Actually, Mom and Dad have worked very hard in their lives and are finally retired.
Enjoy your rest Mom and Dad! I promise not to call so early next time :)
Posted by
9:13 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hooray I mopped my kitchen floor today for the first time! The move-in happened so fast that I didn't have a chance to do it before our stuff arrived. It was just as well because the floors got all yucky from moving all the stuff in.
It felt so good to really disinfect the floor, good ol' Lysol. Can't do that with wood floors (at least I never figured out how). And with a crawling baby who eats with her hands I want the floor to be as clean as I can get it.
Okay, I'm all talk. I DO want the floor to always be as clean as possible, but I know there will be days where the food will be picked up off the floor only because Emily crawled under the table and ate it before I cleaned it up. But I can dream.
I moved the couch just a little bit to center it with the fireplace. The t.v. is in the corner, and for optimum viewing pleasure Eric wanted the couch centered with the t.v. Well, I moved it. I bet he doesn't even notice :) And it looks much better, more put together. I don't think it will strain our necks too much to turn them slightly to the left to see t.v.
The other living room is all done! It's actually supposed to be a formal dining room, but we aren't ready for one of those quite yet. Plus I need a place to put the piano.
I'm having fun! I kind of don't want to work on the upstairs in the bedrooms because there is just stuff all over the place. I'll tackle it when I'm motivated.
Oh! I found Wal Mart! YAY!
We're all doing good, the kids are adjusting to school. It was different for them in that it's not a Christian school, it's public, so no Bible time or chapel time. They thought there'd be no more memory work, but wouldn't you know I found Owen's memory book from his old school! I'll keep working on it with them. I need a reward system, because they aren't as motivated to try since the teacher isn't making them do it. I want it to be fun for them. I'll figure something out.
That's about it. I like it here, friendly neighbors, two have already brought over a plate of cookies and a plate of brownies with their names/phone numbers. That was nice!
Everything's going to be just fine.
Posted by
4:32 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
YAY It's Today!
So I didn't miss it after all, Heth! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!
Posted by
12:32 PM
Happy Birthday Heth
Heth, yesterday was your birthday. And I forgot. I called you to tell you all about me and didn't even once ask you how your day was going, let along tell you happy birthday.
I miss you terribly. You are so beautiful, fun, loving, and humble. I love how you love my kids just like they are your own. I've never ONCE heard you gossip or say anything negative about anyone. You are the kind of person other people see and say, "I want to be like her." You truly bear the fruit of the spirit. (Titus 2 woman!)
I think way back to when you and Nate were dating. You were my goobery brother's cheerleader girlfriend. I didn't know you at all, and I was too wrapped up in my own selfish life to take time to get to know you. I never would have thought back then that you would become my most best friend ever.
You marrying Nate was THE best thing that ever happened to our family! You'll never ever know how much you've touched my life and how Jesus has worked through you to change my life. I love you Heth! Happy Birthday!
Posted by
11:10 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It's All Good
Whew! No scratches, just tape residue. But here's a funny. We put flattened cardboard down to protect the floor while they wheeled the fridge in. They weren't able to get it into the spot because the fridge was snagged on the cardboard. I asked the two guys if they wanted me to pull the cardboard out while they lifted the fridge. They said that'd be great. Well, the way the guys were positioned left me with only one option to pull that cardboard out. I had to crawl between the one guy's legs and pull. We were both pretty uncomfortable with the situation, so he really quick said, "Nah, that won't work." And so I crawled out of there lickity split. They found another way to remove the cardboard and got the fridge in no problem.
Yay we have a fridge!
We're still working on unpacking everything. It's going pretty good. Eric got his t.v. hooked up, the boys have their Wii, so with those guys out of the way I can get all kinds of work done, heehee! :)
Posted by
1:37 PM
They're installing our fridge right now! WOOOHOOO! I'm about 5 feet away from them, thought I'd quick touch base since my laptop is right here. We've been in the house for 3 days now, I love it! Eric thinks he sees "dings" on the fridge, I better check it out. Gotta go!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Smart Aleck
It's 12:13 a.m. and I want to go to bed but I can't. I gotta get this laundry done. The movers are coming in the morning to unhook the washer, but I can't remember if they said 8 a.m. or 10 a.m. or somewhere in between /snort.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Friendly Reminder
The packers come tomorrow! GAHHHHHH!
No but seriously, this morning at about 8:30 a.m. I got a call from the moving company telling me that they would be arriving tomorrow morning between 8 a.m. and 10a.m. to unhook our washer and dryer. I told them that sounds good and we'd be ready.
Then, at about 10 a.m. or so this morning I got a call from another lady from the moving company. They'd be by tomorrow morning between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. to unhook our washer and dryer. Yep, got that, we'll be ready, uh-huh. I wanted to tell her I already got a call this morning but I didn't. I was nice.
Then, at around 2 p.m. today I got a call from the moving company AGAIN telling me that they'd be by tomorrow morning between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. to unhook the washer and dryer. YES. I GOT IT. Actually I sort of interrupted her with my uh-huhs and yeps. But I did ask her, "Am I supposed to DO anything? Or do they just come in and unhook it?" I used a friendly tone of voice even though I wanted to be impatient.
She nicely said, "Nope. You don't have to do anything. I suppose just make sure all your laundry's done! See you tomorrow!"
I have PILES and PILES of dirty laundry that I've slacked off on because I've had this whole idea that I don't have to do anything for this move. They'll come in and take care of all the packing, all I have to do is "supervise." I completely forgot about all that dirty laundry hiding in our closets.
So THAT'S why the moving company called three times. God was telling me to get on the ball and do my laundry, otherwise those poor packers would have to /gag/ TOUCH it and pack it into boxes.
I'm so sorry for the bad attitude God, and THANK YOU for reminding me to do that laundry!!
Posted by
9:38 PM
Now That's A First
Another "first" for Emily! She figured out how to pick her nose. We're so proud heehee. But seriously, when the boys and I saw her, we paused and quietly watched her for a minute, somewhat amazed. Then we simultaneously said in excited voices, "Nose! That's your nose!" It was kind of funny.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Raspberry Mocha
What Your Latte Says About You |
![]() You can be quite silly at times, but you know when to buckle down and be serious. You have a good deal of energy, but you pace yourself. You never burn out too fast. You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it. You are responsible, mature, and truly an adult. You're occasionally playful, but you find it hard to be carefree. You are inventive and creative, but you are never weird. |
Posted by
8:22 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I just realized I only have to keep this house clean for 4 more days YEEEHAWWW! I was talking to Patty on the phone last night and we were talking about the move. She said I sounded happy to be moving. I think it's more that I'm happy that I'm not SCARED to move. Last year I was so full of fear. But now I know what to expect. I'm just glad that I'm not wrapped up in anxiety this time.
I'm excited for the boys to have their own rooms. That means no more climbing up into the top bunk to change sheets. They are probably going to miss being together, but I picture them laying in their beds with walkie talkies, chatting like they do before they fall asleep. I'm excited to see what they pick out for colors and bedding. I already have Emily's room ready to go (big sale at Target woohoo!)
The movers come on Tuesday to pack everything up. On Wednesday they load us up, and on Thursday we hit the road. Our stuff will arrive at the new house on Friday, so we'll camp out that first night.
Oh man I remember our first night in this house. Emily was a wee little grasshopper then, just three weeks old. I was trying to breastfeed, I was all emo from wacky hormones and believing I'd never get to go back to my home state ever again.
We had driven pretty far and arrived at the house around 4:30 p.m. The boys ran through every room, all excited. We had no furniture yet, it wasn't arriving until a week later. I settled in a folding chair at the card table and the boys played GameCube with the t.v. resting on the living room floor. Then Eric asked me how I was doing.
I told him I was okay, just really tired. He said, "Okay, well, a co-worker invited us over to watch the football game. Wanna go?"
Ugh. We had pretty much JUST walked in the door. I didn't feel like doing anything except crawling under the covers of the bed that wasn't here yet. I told him I just wasn't up to it. He understood and said he'd be back later.
It's kind of funny when I look back now. But even funnier was that night when we went to bed.
About a month before we moved I thought I was being all smart and used all my Cabela's points to buy a king sized aerobed. Eric brought it to the house when he moved out here a couple weeks before he brought the kids and me. He said he was having trouble with the aerobed. I figured that out when we went to sleep our first night here.
A couple hours after falling asleep I discovered that MY side of the bed didn't stay inflated. Our real bed wasn't going to arrive for another week. Common sense should have told me to just go buy a $20 twin sized air mattress from Wal Mart, but my baby blues took away my common sense. I decided the next morning that we had to buy a new bed NOW.
Eric didn't argue. We didn't have a clue where any furniture/mattress stores were, didn't have a phone book, didn't know anyone, so we did our best to find a store online. We found one and went there to look at mattresses. I think Eric was feeling bad and wanted to make things better for me, so he let me choose the mattress.
I went for the biggest softest fluffiest sink-right-down-in-it plush pillow top I could find. It felt so comfortable after being pregnant and uncomfortable for the last couple months. I didn't do any research, didn't know a thing about beds. And we bought it. And now I HATE it. And, I didn't even think about the fact that the new bed we bought would be delivered well after our existing bed arrived with all the other furniture.
I'm looking forward to our first night in our new house. I know it will be much much better than last time heehee!
Posted by
12:32 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Toddling Along
Emily got one of those toys she can push along to practice walking. It's so cute to see her little baby body toddling along. She can stand up all by herself now and even took a couple steps at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Ah, and now she's playing with the Christmas tree again.
Posted by
10:20 AM