Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's All Good

Whew! No scratches, just tape residue. But here's a funny. We put flattened cardboard down to protect the floor while they wheeled the fridge in. They weren't able to get it into the spot because the fridge was snagged on the cardboard. I asked the two guys if they wanted me to pull the cardboard out while they lifted the fridge. They said that'd be great. Well, the way the guys were positioned left me with only one option to pull that cardboard out. I had to crawl between the one guy's legs and pull. We were both pretty uncomfortable with the situation, so he really quick said, "Nah, that won't work." And so I crawled out of there lickity split. They found another way to remove the cardboard and got the fridge in no problem.

Yay we have a fridge!

We're still working on unpacking everything. It's going pretty good. Eric got his t.v. hooked up, the boys have their Wii, so with those guys out of the way I can get all kinds of work done, heehee! :)


Heth said...

HOORAY! I'm sure you are anxious to get all settled in. And just think, you can let it get as messy as you want now. No one is coming over for a showing!

Tracey said...

The view from the webcam looked great! I can't wait till I can see it for myself! and as for the dings....I thought everything came with dings! Atleast that is what my kids keep telling me!! Ha Ha Ha

Truth said...

How exciting. Hope you don't have to do anymore crawling.